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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249169, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345546


Abstract The American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) lives in urban, periurban and wild environments and feeds mainly on small rodents, meaning it has great importance in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to describe the reproductive, parental and eating habits of a pair of American barn owls naturally living outside a residence in the urban area of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. A wood box was installed on an outside wall of the home, monitored by a video camera. A spreadsheet was created to keep track of the observations recorded. The female laid four eggs, and after an incubation period of 30-32 days all the eggs hatched, but only two chicks survived after cannibalism among the chicks. Initially, the male provided the food to the chicks and the female remained in the nest caring for the brood. After approximately a month, the female also began to leave the nest and return with prey, which was offered to the chicks, with the male also continuing this behavior. The chicks left the nest in September, 2017. The data obtained show the existence of cooperation and division of tasks between male and female owls during the reproductive period.

Resumo A coruja-das-torres americana (Tyto furcata) vive em ambientes urbanos e se alimenta principalmente de pequenos roedores, sendo de grande importância no controle biológico de pragas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os hábitos alimentares, parentais e reprodutivos de um casal de corujas-das-torres americanas, naturalmente vivendo fora de uma residência na zona urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Uma caixa de madeira foi instalada em uma parede externa da casa, monitorada por uma câmera de vídeo. Uma planilha foi criada para manter o controle das observações registradas. A fêmea pôs quatro ovos, e após período de incubação de 30-32 dias todos os ovos eclodiram, mas apenas dois filhotes sobreviveram após o canibalismo entre os filhotes. Inicialmente, o macho fornecia a comida aos filhotes e a fêmea permanecia no ninho cuidando da ninhada. Depois de cerca de um mês, a fêmea também começou a sair do ninho e voltar com a presa, que era oferecida aos filhotes, com o macho também continuando com esse comportamento. Os filhotes deixaram o ninho em setembro de 2017. Os dados obtidos mostram a existência de cooperação e divisão de tarefas entre corujas machos e fêmeas durante o período reprodutivo.

Animals , Male , Female , Strigiformes , Reproduction , Brazil , Feeding Behavior
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469253


Abstract The American Barn Owl (Tyto furcata) lives in urban, periurban and wild environments and feeds mainly on small rodents, meaning it has great importance in the biological control of pests. The aim of this work was to describe the reproductive, parental and eating habits of a pair of American barn owls naturally living outside a residence in the urban area of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. A wood box was installed on an outside wall of the home, monitored by a video camera. A spreadsheet was created to keep track of the observations recorded. The female laid four eggs, and after an incubation period of 30-32 days all the eggs hatched, but only two chicks survived after cannibalism among the chicks. Initially, the male provided the food to the chicks and the female remained in the nest caring for the brood. After approximately a month, the female also began to leave the nest and return with prey, which was offered to the chicks, with the male also continuing this behavior. The chicks left the nest in September, 2017. The data obtained show the existence of cooperation and division of tasks between male and female owls during the reproductive period.

Resumo A coruja-das-torres americana (Tyto furcata) vive em ambientes urbanos e se alimenta principalmente de pequenos roedores, sendo de grande importância no controle biológico de pragas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os hábitos alimentares, parentais e reprodutivos de um casal de corujas-das-torres americanas, naturalmente vivendo fora de uma residência na zona urbana do município de Campos dos Goytacazes, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Uma caixa de madeira foi instalada em uma parede externa da casa, monitorada por uma câmera de vídeo. Uma planilha foi criada para manter o controle das observações registradas. A fêmea pôs quatro ovos, e após período de incubação de 30-32 dias todos os ovos eclodiram, mas apenas dois filhotes sobreviveram após o canibalismo entre os filhotes. Inicialmente, o macho fornecia a comida aos filhotes e a fêmea permanecia no ninho cuidando da ninhada. Depois de cerca de um mês, a fêmea também começou a sair do ninho e voltar com a presa, que era oferecida aos filhotes, com o macho também continuando com esse comportamento. Os filhotes deixaram o ninho em setembro de 2017. Os dados obtidos mostram a existência de cooperação e divisão de tarefas entre corujas machos e fêmeas durante o período reprodutivo.

Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(3): 202-213, sept. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536068


Objetivos: El aborto es un derecho en salud sexual y reproductiva de la mujer en Colombia, sin embargo no toda la sociedad colombiana reconoce este derecho. Este trabajo busca comprender la transformación de los significados después de haber afrontado una interrupción voluntaria del embarazo tardía, en mujeres residentes en Colombia, y su interacción con familiares, amigos y sistema de salud. Materiales y métodos: Investigación hermenéutica desde un paradigma constructivista, el análisis se hizo desde una perspectiva feminista con técnicas de la teoría fundamentada: codificación, categorización y comparación constante. Se realizaron 19 entrevistas semiestructuradas a 18 mujeres residentes en Colombia que se sometieron a interrupción voluntaria del embarazo tardía definida por ser una gestación mayor a 20 semanas, acompañada de feticidio e inducción de parto, en dos ciudades colombianas, entre 2016 y 2020. Además, se realizaron dos grupos focales, uno con algunas de las entrevistadas, y otro con feministas expertas para triangular la información emergente del proceso investigativo y profundizar los hallazgos. Resultados: Las mujeres tenían un significado negativo y contrario sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, pero cuando se encuentran inmersas en una situación que las obliga a terminar con la gestación, contravienen los significados propios y los de su sociedad y buscan justificaciones que les ayuden a mantener la decisión. Esta confrontación las hace reflexionar profunda e íntimamente y las lleva a transformar sus vidas. Conclusiones: Los significados sobre el aborto, en las mujeres que se realizan interrupción voluntaria del embarazo tardía, generalmente son contrarios a este derecho en salud sexual y reproductiva. Posterior al evento estos significados se transforman por medio de la reflexión consciente de las mujeres al tener que enfrentar sus propios significados y los de la sociedad.

Objectives: As part of sexual and reproductive health, abortion is a woman's right in Colombia. However, not all the members of Colombian society recognize this right. The aim of this work is to understand the transformation of meanings after having to cope with voluntary termination of late pregnancy in women living in Colombia, as well as their interaction with family and friends and the health system. Material and methods: Hermeneutic research undertaken within a constructivist paradigm and analyzed from a feminist perspective using grounded theory techniques: coding, categorization and constant comparison. Nineteen semi-structured interviews were conducted among 18 women living in Colombia who underwent voluntary termination of late pregnancy defined as more than 20 weeks of gestation, accompanied by feticide and labor induction, in two Colombian cities between 2016 and 2020. Besides, two focus groups were conducted, one with some of the interviewees and another with feminist experts in order to cross-reference the information derived from the research process and delve deeper into the findings. Results: Women attached a negative and opposite meaning to voluntary termination of pregnancy, but once they found themselves in a situation that forced them to put an end to gestation, they transgressed their own meanings and those of society to find justifications to help them uphold their decision. This confrontation brought them to a place of profound and intimate reflection and led them to transform their lives. Conclusions: Meanings regarding abortion in women who undergo late pregnancy termination are usually contrary to this right in sexual and reproductive health. After the event, these meanings become transformed through a process of conscious reflection as women come face-to-face with their own meanings and those of society.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Colombia
Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 14408, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451197


Infertile couples seeking treatment experience a social stigma that can lead to the need for privacy and, in turn, compromise their access to social support. This multiple case study, that involved the collection of sociodemographic and health data and interviews with four heterosexual couples accessed by convenience, aimed to examine the perception of the couples about the social support received after the disclosure of the condition of infertility and/or of the assisted reproductive technology treatment. The cases were analysed individually and comparatively. From the couples' statements, it is highlighted that all of them revealed something about infertility and/or treatment at some point in the process, although some considered not revealing it. Both support and lack of support were perceived from the revelations. The non-disclosure was motivated by self-preservation and by avoidance of social pressure. The findings indicate the importance of psychological intervention to expand the couples' social support.

Parejas infértiles que buscan tratamiento experimentan un estigma social que puede acarrear la necesidad de privacidad y, a su vez, comprometer el acceso al apoyo social. Ese estudio de múltiples casos, que involucró la recogida de datos sociodemográficos, de salud y entrevistas con cuatro parejas heterosexuales accedidas por conveniencia, buscó examinar la percepción de las parejas sobre el apoyo social después de la revelación de la condición de infertilidad y/o del tratamiento con técnicas de reproducción asistida. Los casos fueron analizados individual y comparativamente. De las declaraciones de las parejas, se destaca que todas revelaron algo sobre la infertilidad y/o el tratamiento en algún momento del proceso, aunque algunos consideraron no revelarlo. Se percibió tanto el apoyo como la falta de apoyo a partir de las revelaciones. La no revelación fue motivada por la autopreservación y por la evitación de presión social. Los hallazgos indican la importancia de la intervención psicológica para ampliar el apoyo social de las parejas.

Casais inférteis que buscam tratamento experimentam um estigma social que pode acarretar a necessidade de privacidade e, por sua vez, comprometer o acesso ao apoio social. Este estudo de casos múltiplos, que envolveu a coleta de dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e entrevistas com quatro casais heterossexuais acessados por conveniência, objetivou examinar a sua percepção sobre o apoio social recebido após a revelação da condição de infertilidade e/ou de tratamento com técnicas de reprodução assistida. Os casos foram analisados individualmente e comparativamente. A partir das falas, destaca-se que todos revelaram algo sobre a infertilidade e/ou o tratamento em algum momento do processo, ainda que alguns tenham considerado não revelar. Percebeu-se tanto apoio como falta de apoio diante das revelações. A não revelação foi motivada pela autopreservação e pela evitação de pressão social. Os achados indicam a importância da intervenção psicológica para ampliar o apoio social dos casais.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Social Support , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Infertility/psychology , Family , Mental Health , Social Stigma , Sociodemographic Factors , Interview, Psychological
Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449494


Introduction: One of the main bottlenecks in restoration projects based on sexual reproduction is post-settlement survival, mainly due to competition for substrate with fleshy algae and predation. Therefore, substrates of different shapes and materials have been created and tested, seeking to optimize these processes with attractive surfaces for the larvae and structures where the recruits are protected from predation, and competition is reduced. Objective: To improve settlement and post-settlement survival of two important Caribbean reef-building corals, using different coatings on substrates. Methods: To determine whether substrate coatings properties are favourable to larval settlement in Orbicella annularis, and O. faveolata, collected in Puerto Morelos, Mexican Caribbean, we evaluated their settlement for three weeks on six coatings with a combination of properties. Each coating was designed to provide a combination of two out of three properties: 1) water repellence (hydrophobicity), 2) phosphorescence-based colour, and 3) mineral-enriched surface chemistry. In a separate experiment larvae settlement was tested using coatings with a single property. Finally, we determined the post-settlement survival of O. annularis and O. faveolata on the different coatings for seven weeks. Results: The combination of high hydrophobicity and light blue phosphorescent microparticles and high hydrophobicity and red-orange phosphorescent microparticles resulted in a higher settlement of O. annularis and O. faveolata when compared with other coatings (30.8 - 66.7 % higher). No significant differences were found in the number of larval settled when the water-repellence and the phosphorescence-based were evaluated independently. Post-settlement survival time on substrates was low, with a maximum of 34 days after settlement for O. annularis and 42 days for O. faveolata. Conclusions: In terms of the larval settlement, the combination of the coatings properties appears to play an essential role in the choice of microhabitat for both O. annularis and O. faveolata. But individually these properties did not generate an advantage in the larval settlement. Moreover, some chemical components associated with the coatings may be counterproductive to the survival of the polyps over time.

Introducción: Uno de los principales cuellos de botella en proyectos de restauración basada en reproducción sexual es la supervivencia de las larvas posterior al asentamiento, principalmente por la competencia por el sustrato con algas filamentosas y la depredación. Por ello, se han creado y analizado sustratos de diferentes formas y materiales, buscando optimizar estos procesos con superficies atrayentes para las larvas, y estructuras donde los reclutas se encuentran protegidos de la depredación y se disminuya la competencia. Objetivo: Mejorar el asentamiento y la supervivencia de dos importantes corales formadores de arrecifes del Caribe, utilizando diferentes recubrimientos en sustratos. Métodos: Para determinar si las propiedades de la superficie del sustrato son favorables para el asentamiento de larvas de Orbicella annularis y O. faveolata, recolectadas en Puerto Morelos, Caribe mexicano, evaluamos su asentamiento durante tres semanas en seis recubrimientos con una combinación de propiedades. Cada recubrimiento fue diseñado para proporcionar una combinación de dos de tres propiedades: 1) repelencia al agua (hidrofobicidad), 2) fosforescencia y 3) química superficial enriquecida con minerales. En un experimento separado se evaluó el asentamiento de larvas en sustratos con recubrimientos de una sola propiedad. Finalmente, se determinó la supervivencia posterior al asentamiento de O. annularis y O. faveolata sobre los diferentes recubrimientos durante siete semanas. Resultados: La combinación de alta hidrofobicidad y micropartículas fosforescentes azules y alta hidrofobicidad y micropartículas fosforescentes rojo-naranja dio como resultado un mayor asentamiento de O. annularis y O. faveolata en comparación con otros recubrimientos (30.8 - 66.7 % mayor). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el número de larvas asentadas cuando se evaluaron de forma independiente la repelencia al agua y la fosforescencia. El tiempo de supervivencia posterior al asentamiento en los sustratos fue bajo, con un máximo de 34 días después del asentamiento para O. annularis y 42 días para O. faveolata. Conclusiones: En el asentamiento de larvas, la combinación de las propiedades del recubrimiento parece desempeñar un papel importante en la elección del microhábitat tanto para O. annularis como para O. faveolata. Pero de forma individual estas propiedades no generaron una ventaja en el asentamiento larvario. Además, algunos componentes químicos asociados con los recubrimientos pueden ser contraproducentes para la supervivencia de los pólipos a lo largo del tiempo.

Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 12(1): 92-104, jan.-mar.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417226


Objetivo: discutir diferentes abordagens éticas, na perspectiva do Modelo Bioética Complexa (MBC), sobre as questões da saúde da mulher. O MBC é uma reflexão que tem por finalidade verificar a adequação das ações envolvidas com os aspectos biológicos e biográficos, em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, amparada por referenciais teóricos diversos e considerando também situações individuais e sociais. Metodologia: revisão narrativa de literatura, considerando múltiplas perspectivas bioéticas e éticas em relação aos temas de saúde da mulher. Resultados: os resultados de pesquisa envolvem a referência de 37 textos e considerações dos autores, fruto de pesquisas envolvendo o MBC há mais de 17 anos, em ambiente de saúde. Conclusão: a reflexão da adequação de avaliações e decisões na área da saúde da mulher deve envolver uma multiplicidade de aspectos e perspectivas, neste sentido é necessário que está visão complexa permeie o desenho de políticas de assistência à saúde.

Objective: to discuss various ethical approaches from the perspective of the Complex Bioethics Model (CBM) to women's health issues. The CBM aims to review the appropriateness of actions involving biological and biographical aspects in an interdisciplinary perspective, supported by different theoretical references and considering individual and social situations. Methods: narrative literature review considering different bioethical and ethical perspectives related to women's health. Results: research findings include references to 37 texts and reflections by the author, who has conducted health research with CBM for more than 17 years. Conclusion: reflection on the appropriateness of assessments and decisions in the field of women's health should encompass a variety of aspects and perspectives. In this sense, it is necessary that this complex perspective be included in health policy decision making.

Objetivo: este artículo pretende debatir diferentes enfoques éticos, desde la perspectiva del Modelo de Bioética Compleja (MBC), sobre cuestiones de salud de la mujer. El MBC es una reflexión que pretende verificar la adecuación de las acciones involucradas con aspectos biológicos y biográficos, en una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, recortada por diversas referencias teóricas y considerando también situaciones individuales y sociales. Metodología: revisión narrativa de la literatura, considerando múltiples perspectivas bioéticas y éticas en relación con temas de salud de la mujer. Resultados: los resultados de la investigación involucran la referencia de 37 textos y consideraciones de los autores fruto de investigaciones que involucran el MBC por más de 17años en el ambiente de salud. Conclusión: la reflexión sobre la adecuación de las evaluaciones y decisiones en el ámbito de la salud de las mujeres debe implicar una multiplicidad de aspectos y perspectivas, en este sentido es necesario que esta visión compleja impregne el diseño de las políticas de atención sanitaria.

Salud colect ; 19: e4481, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522903


RESUMEN El artículo se interroga por los alcances y los límites del paradigma de la medicina de precisión y su relación con el enfoque de la salud colectiva. Para ello, se toma la evaluación genética preimplantatoria o PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) dado que constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de tecnologías que apuntan a la "individualización" de los procesos de salud. En esta dirección, se revisan las características y los fundamentos científico-normativos acerca de las tecnologías PGT en Argentina, y el camino que queda por recorrer para su análisis bioético. De manera más específica, se visibilizan algunas de las condiciones de posibilidad para su implementación desde la perspectiva norte-sur. Como síntesis del análisis, proponemos tres ejes o nudos problemáticos relacionados con los sesgos en la producción de conocimiento, los valores e intereses subyacentes a sus usos y los presupuestos epistemológicos que operan en la base de estas tecnologías. A lo largo de este trabajo, presentamos estos dilemas y sugerimos algunas recomendaciones para ser tenidas en cuenta en futuras investigaciones.

ABSTRACT This article examines the scope and limitations of the precision medicine paradigm and its relationship with the collective health approach. To that end, it takes preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) as a paradigmatic example of technologies aimed at the "individualization" of health processes. In this regard, we review the characteristics and scientific and regulatory foundations of PGT technologies in Argentina, and discuss the next steps for their bioethical analysis. More specifically, we shed light on some of the conditions for their implementation from a north-south perspective. We propose three themes or problematic aspects as a synthesis of our analysis, related to biases in the production of knowledge, the values and interests underlying its uses, and the underlying epistemological assumptions of these technologies. Throughout the article, we review these dilemmas and suggest some issues that should be taken into account in future research.

Salud colect ; 19: e4492, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522905


RESUMEN En las últimas décadas hubo un desarrollo significativo de técnicas de reproducción asistida que ayudaron a parejas con dificultades a tener hijos. Estas técnicas han sido bien recibidas en diferentes partes del mundo, y los países musulmanes no han sido una excepción. Desde la perspectiva teórica de la socióloga Michèle Lamont basada en las fronteras o "boundaries", en el año 2022 se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 20 profesionales de la salud y líderes de asociaciones musulmanes de Tánger y Barcelona, con el objetivo de analizar, en primer lugar, cómo actores claves musulmanes conciben la relación entre islam y ciencia y; en segundo lugar, cómo se negocia esta comprensión en el caso de los tratamientos de reproducción asistida. Se concluye sobre la complejidad de la delimitación de fronteras en las definiciones de ciencia y religión, y se destaca la importancia de centrarse en casos empíricos para comprender mejor la compleja relación entre los dos ámbitos y entender los debates bioéticos existentes.

ABSTRACT In recent decades there have been significant developments in assisted reproduction techniques, which have aided couples with difficulties in having children. These techniques have been well received in different parts of the world, and Muslim countries have been no exception. Adopting sociologist Michèle Lamont's theoretical perspective on "boundaries", semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 health professionals and Islamic community leaders in the cities of Tangier and Barcelona during 2022. The aim of this article is twofold: first, to analyze how key actors in the Muslim community conceive of the relationship between Islam and science; second, to explain how this understanding is negotiated in relation to assisted reproduction treatments. The article concludes with a consideration of the complexities related to drawing the line between the positions of science and religion, and emphasized the importance of examining empirical cases in order to better capture the complex relationship between these two spheres and gain a deeper understanding of existing bioethical debates.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(3): e6628333, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530478


Resumo: Neste artigo, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, discutimos a ecologia a partir da categoria-padrão de reprodução do capital, destacando a dialética entre valor e valor de uso. Concluímos, com base na TMD, que a categoria-padrão de reprodução do capital permite compreender a ecologia no âmbito da particularidade, evidenciando que a valorização é sempre acompanhada da produção material e que distintos padrões de reprodução do capital impactam desigualmente o meio ambiente e a sociedade.

Abstract: In this article, through a literature review, we discuss ecology based on the standard category of capital reproduction, highlighting the dialectic between value and use-value. We conclude, based on TMD, that the standard category of capital reproduction enables the understanding of ecology within the realm of particularity, demonstrating that valorization is always accompanied by material production and that different patterns of capital reproduction unevenly impact the environment and society.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 127 f p. ilus..
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451825


Trata-se de um estudo que possuiu como objeto a assistência sexual e reprodutiva da mulher lésbica, por profissionais médicos e enfermeiras, sob a perspectiva dos funcionamentos. Possuiu como objetivo geral: Analisar os funcionamentos básicos da mulher lésbica que são facilitados ou negados a partir das ações morais profissionais, de enfermeiras e médicos, durante a assistência sexual e reprodutiva. E como objetivos específicos: Discutir a influência das ações morais do profissional sobre suas práticas na assistência sexual e reprodutiva de mulheres lésbicas; Identificar quais as especificidades na assistência sexual e reprodutiva de mulheres lésbicas; Descrever os funcionamentos que são facilitados e negados durante a assistência sexual e reprodutiva de mulheres lésbicas. A presente pesquisa teve caráter exploratório-descritivo e natureza qualitativa. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 17 profissionais de saúde, 13 enfermeiras e 4 médicos, que realizam o atendimento de saúde sexual e reprodutiva, na cidade de Petrópolis. Para ter acesso aos participantes foram escolhidas, pelo menos, 1 ESF de cada distrito para conseguir abranger todo território municipal. A escolha foi feita através de sorteio aleatório e a partir da aceitação dos profissionais que atuavam naquela unidade. A escolha das unidades foi realizada de forma randomizada, respeitando os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Após submissão e aprovação dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa do IMS-UERJ e FMP/UNIFASE foi iniciada a coleta dos dados. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada e os depoimentos foram analisados através da análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. Após análise de dados, estabeleceu-se 4 categorias que são desenvolvidas de acordo com os capítulos: O acompanhamento de mulheres lésbicas durante a assistência sexual e reprodutivo e seus funcionamentos básicos; O acolhimento da mulher lésbica na assistência sexual e reprodutiva; As singularidades da mulher lésbica reconhecidas ou não pelos profissionais durante a assistência sexual e reprodutiva; A (in)capacitação profissional e violências contra as mulheres lésbicas. Com este estudo constatou-se que para a realização dos funcionamentos básicos está associado ao relacionamento estabelecido entre profissional de saúde e mulher lésbica, da abertura que este profissional dá para a mulher se sentir segura e confortável para expor a sua sexualidade e dúvidas, que se acabam por ficar atrelados a moralidade dos mesmos. Outro aspecto relevante é o interesse do profissional em buscar sua atualização, capacitação e qualificação nas singularidades da assistência à mulher lésbica. Neste sentido, os entrevistados, em sua maioria, descumprem com os funcionamentos básicos para uma assistência sexual e reprodutiva de mulheres lésbicas qualificadas. (AU)

This is a study that had as its object the sexual and reproductive care for lesbian women, by medical professionals and nurses, from the perspective of functioning. Its general objective was: To analyze the basic functions of lesbian women that are facilitated or denied based on professional moral actions, of nurses and doctors, during sexual and reproductive assistance. And as specific objectives: Discuss the influence of the professional's moral actions on their practices in sexual and reproductive assistance to lesbian women; Identify the specificities in sexual and reproductive assistance for lesbian women; To describe the functioning that are facilitated and denied during sexual and reproductive assistance to lesbian women. This research was exploratory-descriptive and qualitative in nature. The research participants were 17 health professionals, 13 nurses and 4 doctors, who provide sexual and reproductive health care in the city of Petropolis. To gain access to the participants, at least 1 ESF from each district was chosen to be able to cover the entire municipal territory. The choice was made through a random raffle and based on the acceptance of the professionals who worked in that unit. The choice of units was carried out at random, respecting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After submission and approval by the Research Ethics Committees of IMS-UERJ and FMP/UNIFASE, data collection began. The data collection instrument was the semi-structured interview and the testimonies were analyzed through the content analysis proposed by Bardin. After data analysis, 4 categories were established, which are developed according to the chapters: Accompanying lesbian women during sexual and reproductive assistance and its basic functions; The reception of lesbian women in sexual and reproductive assistance; The singularities of lesbian women recognized or not by professionals during sexual and reproductive assistance; Professional disability and violence against lesbian women. With this study, it was found that for carrying out the basic functions, it is associated with the relationship established between the health professional and the lesbian woman, the openness that this professional gives to the woman to feel safe and comfortable to expose her sexuality and doubts, which are end up being linked to their morality. Another relevant aspect is the professional's interest in seeking updating, training and qualification in the singularities of assistance to lesbian women. In this sense, most of the interviewees fail to comply with the basic functions for qualified sexual and reproductive assistance to lesbian women. (AU)

Humans , Bioethics , Health Personnel , Homosexuality, Female , Reproductive Health Services , Sexual Health , Sexual Vulnerability , Violence , Unified Health System , Brazil , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39030, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425196


Oxidative stress due to obesity plays a detrimental role in the testicular microenvironment and sperm parameters. We explored the impact of a hypercaloric diet in male BALB/c mice as a condition to trigger damage to the spermatogenic process and the antioxidant effect of Aspalathus linearis as well. We used a hypercaloric diet in animals divided into 3 groups: Control, Hypercaloric diet control (HC) and Hypercaloric diet and Rooibos infusion (HCR). Morphometric parameters, enzyme dosages, cell viability, and tubular histopathology were evaluated. Body weight increased in HCR animals at weeks 3, 4, and 8. We found a reduction in seminiferous epithelium height, with an increase in the tubular diameter of the HCR group. Catalase levels were lower in HC and HCR, while carbonyl protein was decreased in HC. We estimate that it induces oxidative stress (OS) capable of affecting the seminiferous epithelium and that the infusion of A. linearis does not demonstrate a potential benefit in cell preservation.

Reproduction , Oxidative Stress , Diet, High-Fat , Mice, Inbred BALB C
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39031, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428166


Broad-spectrum antimicrobial doxycycline acts as an inhibitor of protein synthesis and it is widely used in the clinical treatment of various infections by microorganisms that are sensitive to the drug, as well as in animal feed. Its liposolubility guarantees its high tissue bioavailability, being associated with several biochemical changes in the organism and potentially adverse effects on reproduction. This study aims to evaluate the effects of the action of doxycycline on spermatogenesis to provide a complete analysis of the tubular and interstitial compartments and to identify possible changes in the testicular parenchyma. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: one control (water), and two treated with doxycycline at the doses of 10mg/kg and 30mg/kg, for 30 days. After euthanasia and sample processing, the following parameters were evaluated: a) tubular diameter and height of the seminiferous epithelium; b) volumetric proportions (%) and volumes (mL) of the components of the testicular parenchyma; c) counting testicular germ cell populations; d) evaluation of cell viability. The results of the comparative evaluation between the experimental groups demonstrated a significant increase in the diameter and area of the tubular lumen and a reduction in the count of spermatogonia in the experimental group that received doxycycline hyclate at a dose of 30mg/kg. In the same experimental group, an increase in the overall yield of spermatogenesis was found as a consequence of the increase in the mitotic index.

Reproduction , Spermatogenesis , Rats, Wistar , Doxycycline/adverse effects
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511467


Introduction: The herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is one of the most widely used pesticides in the world. There is evidence that this herbicide can induce deleterious effects in non-target organisms, including impairment of reproduction function. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproductive effects of the chronic consumption of contaminated feed with 2,4-D in rats using food environmental spraying simulation. Methods: Animals orally exposed received nebulized chow with 2,4-D solution in different concentrations for 180 days: 0 (control - CG), 20.69 (LCG), 34.63 (MCG), or 51.66 ppm day−1 (HCG). Results: Sperm quality was impaired to 2,4-D. The percentage of sperm with progressive movement, number of sperm in the testis and daily sperm production were decreased in all exposed groups to the herbicide compared to CG. Sperm counts in the caput/corpus and cauda epididymis were reduced in MCG and HCG, and sperm transit time was delayed in the epididymis of LCG. There was a negative impact on sperm morphology and plasma membrane integrity in MCG and HCG, respectively. Germ cell exfoliation within the lumen of the seminiferous tubules and epithelial vacuolization in epididymis were found in the HCG. Conclusion: This is the first study to describe the negative impact on male reproductive morphophysiology after chronic exposure to 2,4-D using food nebulization in environmentally relevant concentrations, based on agronomic use of the herbicide. The reproductive injuries identified raise concerns about the impacts of wide population exposure to 2,4-D (AU).

Introdução: O herbicida 2,4- ácido diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) é um dos agrotóxicos mais utilizados no mundo. Há evidências de que este herbicida pode induzir efeitos deletérios em organismos não-alvo, incluindo prejuízo na função reprodutiva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos reprodutivos do consumo crônico de ração contaminada com 2,4-D em ratos, utilizando simulação de pulverização ambiental de alimentos. Métodos: Animais expostos oralmente receberam ração nebulizada com solução de 2,4-D em diferentes concentrações por 180 dias: 0 (controle - GC), 20,69 (LCG), 34,63 (MCG) ou 51,66 ppm dia−1 (HCG). Resultados: A qualidade espermática foi prejudicada pelo 2,4-D. A porcentagem de espermatozoides com movimento progressivo, número de espermatozoides no testículo e produção diária de espermatozoides foram menores em todos os grupos expostos ao herbicida, quando comparados ao GC. A contagem de espermatozoides na cabeça/corpo e cauda do epidídimo foi reduzida em MCG e HCG, e o tempo de trânsito espermático atrasou no epidídimo em LCG. Houve impacto negativo na morfologia espermática e na integridade da membrana plasmática em MCG e HCG, respectivamente. Esfoliação de células germinativas no lúmen dos túbulos seminíferos e vacuolização epitelial no epidídimo foram encontradas em HCG. Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo a descrever o impacto negativo na morfofisiologia reprodutiva masculina após exposição crônica ao 2,4-D, utilizando nebulização de alimentos em concentrações ambientalmente relevantes, com base no uso agronômico do herbicida. As lesões reprodutivas identificadas levantam preocupações sobre os impactos da ampla exposição da população ao 2,4-D (AU).

Animals , Rats , Reproduction , Spermatozoa , Agrochemicals/toxicity , Pesticide Exposure , Environmental Exposure
Afr. j. infect. dis. (Online) ; 17(1): 10-26, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1411563


Background: Ebola Virus causes disease both in human and non-human primatesespecially in developing countries. In 2014 during its outbreak, it led to majority of deaths especially in some impoverished area of West Africa and its effect is still witnessed up till date. Materials and Methods:We studied the spread of Ebola virus and obtained a system of equations comprising of eighteen equations which completely described the transmission of Ebola Virus ina population where control measures were incorporated and a major source of contacting the disease which is the traditional washing of dead bodies was also incorporated. We investigated the local stability of the disease-free equilibrium using the Jacobian Matrix approach and the disease-endemic stability using the center manifold theorem. We also investigated the global stability of the equilibrium points using the LaSalle's Invariant principle.Results: The result showed that the disease-free and endemic equilibrium where both local and globally stable and that the system exhibits a forward bifurcation.Conclusions: Numerical simulations were carried out and our graphs show that vaccine and condom use is best for susceptible population, quarantine is best for exposed population, isolation is best for infectious population and proper burial of the diseased dead is the best to avoid further disease spread in the population and have quicker and better recovery.

Vaccines , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola , Models, Theoretical , Quarantine
Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 316-320, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992511


Inflammation is the basic pathological process of a variety of diseases, which involved in the occurrence and development of female infertility-related diseases, especially in bacteria and viruses infection of reproductive system, resulting in infertility. However, inflammatory reactions and factors also exist in normal physiological processes, such as endometrial morphologic changes in menstrual cycles, follicle genesis, ovulation, luteinization, pregnancy, etc. In addition, inflammation is also involved in the occurrence of some reproductive endocrine and metabolic diseases, such as obesity, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and so on. In the past, the understanding to inflammation in reproductive system was mostly limited to the inflammatory diseases and resulted in fertility decline or sterility, infertility, and other problems, which was not comprehensive. This review summarized the normal physiological inflammation and disease-related inflammation in the reproductive system, and described the evaluation of inflammatory state, as well as relevant prevention and treatment suggestions.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 237-240, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992496


Infertility is gradually becoming a major problem affecting health worldwide, and male factors also play an important role in infertility. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are ultramicro membranous vesicles released by cells during activation or apoptosis, which play an important role in cell communication. Relevant studies have shown that extracellular vesicles contain a variety of bioactive substances and participate in infertility related pathophysiological processes by influencing the content of intercellular transmission. Therefore, we reviewed the relationship between extracellular vesicles and male infertility, and expounded the occurrence and potential treatment of male infertility from another perspective.

Biol. Res ; 56: 19-19, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439486


BACKGROUND: AMBRA1 is an intrinsically disordered protein, working as a scaffold molecule to coordinate, by protein-protein interaction, many cellular processes, including autophagy, mitophagy, apoptosis and cell cycle progression. The zebrafish genome contains two ambra1 paralogous genes (a and b), both involved in development and expressed at high levels in the gonads. Characterization of the zebrafish paralogous genes mutant lines generated by CRISPR/Cas9 approach showed that ambra1b knockout leads to an all-male population. RESULTS: We demonstrated that the silencing of the ambra1b gene determines a reduction of primordial germ cells (PGCs), a condition that, in the zebrafish, leads to the development of all-male progeny. PGC reduction was confirmed by knockdown experiments and rescued by injection of ambra1b and human AMBRA1 mRNAs, but not ambra1a mRNA. Moreover, PGC loss was not rescued by injection with human AMBRA1 mRNA mutated in the CUL4-DDB1 binding region, thus suggesting that interaction with this complex is involved in PGC protection from loss. Results from zebrafish embryos injected with murine Stat3 mRNA and stat3 morpholino suggest that Ambra1b could indirectly regulate this protein through CUL4-DDB1 interaction. According to this, Ambra1+/- mice showed a reduced Stat3 expression in the ovary together with a low number of antral follicles and an increase of atretic follicles, indicating a function of Ambra1 in the ovary of mammals as well. Moreover, in agreement with the high expression of these genes in the testis and ovary, we found significant impairment of the reproductive process and pathological alterations, including tumors, mainly limited to the gonads. CONCLUSIONS: By exploiting ambra1a and ambra1b knockout zebrafish lines, we prove the sub-functionalization between the two paralogous zebrafish genes and uncover a novel function of Ambra1 in the protection from excessive PGC loss, which seems to require binding with the CUL4-DDB1 complex. Both genes seem to play a role in the regulation of reproductive physiology.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Sex Differentiation , Zebrafish/genetics , Zebrafish/metabolism , Reproduction , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Zebrafish Proteins/genetics , Zebrafish Proteins/metabolism , Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing/metabolism , Germ Cells/metabolism , Mammals/genetics , Mammals/metabolism
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 419-427, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005724


In the field of reproductive rights disputes, following the wrong birth litigation caused by prenatal diagnosis errors, the emerging reproductive rights litigation caused by the fault of human assisted reproductive technology has become more typical. Medical institutions shall bear the corresponding liability for compensation for loss, damage, wrong implantation of gametes or embryos in vitro due to its negligence, which constitutes an infringement on the reproductive rights of patients and spouses. During cryopreservation of embryo in vitro, if one of the couple of the gamete donor dies, the surviving spouse has the right to exercise the reproductive right. The surviving spouse has the right to ask the medical institution to remove the obstacles for the behavior that the medical institution refuses to hand over the frozen embryos to the surviving spouse. For the deliberate destruction of frozen embryos by medical institutions, patients have the right to ask medical institutions to bear the liability for damages.

Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control ; (6): 522-528, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003612


Pneumocystis, an important opportunistic fungal pathogen that parasitizes in multiple mammalian lungs, may cause life-threatening Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and even death among immunocompromised individuals. With the rapid development of high-throughput sequencing and multi-omics technologies, systematic comparative analyses of genome, transcriptome, and whole-genome sequencing results demonstrate that Pneumocystis is a type of obligate biotrophic fungi, and requires obtaining nutrition from hosts. In addition, sexual reproduction is an essential process for Pneumocystis survival, production and transmission, and asexual reproduction facilitates Pneumocystis survival, which provides new insights into understanding of the whole developmental process of Pneumocystis in the host lung and inter-host transmission of Pneumocystis. This review summarizes the advances in the reproduction mode of Pneumocystis and underlying mechanisms, which provides insights into prevention and treatment of PCP, notably for the prophylaxis against nosocomial transmission of PCP.

Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Medical Sciences) ; (6): 943-948, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998985


ObjectiveTo investigate the application of optical genome mapping (OGM) technology in detecting complex chromosomal rearrangement. MethodsWe recruited five patients who were diagnosed as complex chromosomal rearrangement at the Reproductive Medicine Center of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from January 2022 to June 2023. They underwent OGM, nanopore sequencing and pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT). The results were compared with the results of karyotype and chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA)/ copy number variation sequencing (CNV-Seq). ResultsOGM could detect translocation, invert inversion, and triplet translocation, which were consistent with the results of OGM and CMA/ CNV-Seq. But OGM could not detect Robertsonian translocation. ConclusionBecause of its ultra-long reads, OGM realizes the detection across repetitive regions, and it has great advantages when applied in patients with complex chromosome rearrangement or uncertain karyotype analysis. It can accurately locate breakpoints.